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Communication and the Optimality of Hierarchy in Organizations
主 讲:张岚(西南财经大学经济与管理研究院副教授)
时 间:2017年11月14日(周二)14:00-15:30
地 点:中国人民大学 明德主楼734会议室

  This paper studies optimal organization structures in multidivisional organizations with more than two divisions. The decisions of individual divisions need to be adapted to local conditions and also be coordinated. The needs for coordination are described by a coordination network. Information about local conditions is held by division managers who communicate strategically. Hierarchy is an organizational form in which divisions are organized into groups, and decisions are made by group managers. Under a circle coordination network, our central result is that when the needs for coordination are intermediate, hierarchy performs better than centralization or decentralization. We then compare M-form hierarchy (in which mutually more dependent divisions are grouped together) and U-form hierarchy (in which mutually less dependent divisions are grouped together). We also consider other coordination networks, in which different divisions have different network positions. Hierarchy, or some hybrid governance which combines hierarchy and centralization, remains optimal in some situations.

  张岚,西南财经大学经济与管理研究院副教授,美国印第安纳大学商业经济学博士(2010)。研究兴趣包括产业经济学,应用博弈论等微观经济学领域。论文发表于Journal of Industrial Economics, Economic Letters, Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy以及《经济学季刊》等国内外杂志。
